Monday, 17 January 2005

Using Magic Numbers in place of null in Xml interfaces

It seems that while he was sending out Double.MaxValue the system was enable to use Double.Parse() on it. In other words, he wasn't able to "roundtrip" his value, like Double.Parse(Double.MaxValue.ToString()).


Using Edge Cases as Magic Numbers is more evil than using Magic Numbers [Scott Hanselman]

There is a similar issue with DateTime data when you try to use simple serialization - or serialization from a class -> XSD - to build an interface. That reminds me, I need to look at how Xml Serialization works for nullable types in Whidbey.

...after a quick Google search...

It looks like Christian Weyer already answered my question in this article.

01/17/2005 16:34:53 (Central Standard Time, UTC-06:00)  #    Trackback
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