matt.griffith - thinking out loud

 Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Here’s something I need to look at: MonoLOGO [via Chris Sells] 8:48:58 AM    

Joe says: I'll get there.... Matt is a couple years ahead of me, with three girls ages 10, 9 and 4 and a fourth girl on the way. Good luck! We have three boys ages 2, 6 and 8. We won't be trying for a fourth for another year or so...

Thanks, I’m still in shock that we’re having another and it is only a month and a half away ;-)

I wonder, am I older, or did I just start earlier? Since I started at 18 I’m guessing it is the latter. But for the record I’m a couple months older than Mark.

Oh and good luck to you when you start trying again.

8:29:41 AM